Marcia McEachron Steel Scupltures Royalton Elementary School ~ Royalton, Minnesota Sculpture represents Royalton school history (click on ay image on this page to enlarge) Other Works by Marcia McEachron (click on ay image on this page to enlarge) Continumn Stainless Steel 10ft high located in Edina Sculpture Garden Minnesota Blue Horse Farmington Sculpture Garden 7ft H. powder coated steel Equanimity 10 ft high Stain less Steel St.Louis Park, Minnesota Ginkgo Fish 12" H 15"L Welded Hammered Steel "Iberian Melody""Iberian Melody" 10" H Spoon: Dish ran away with Spoon Hand hammered and welded steel 22″ high Mural Memory Quilt 10' L 5' H Spiral Meditation:Water, Wind and Whirlpool Lady Josephine 24" W 5'H Mixed Medial Mural Rocking Horse Welded, Painted and Forged Steel 5' H. 5.5" Long "Sagittarius" Steel (Cut and forged/found obj.)18" H. Poet at the Well 10"H x 9"W Hammered and welded steel Owl Woman Welded Steel 4' H Newly Weds Newly Weds 10″ H Welded Tools Cowboy and Horse 20" H Welded Steel and Spur The Deep 30" H Aflame (TS Eliot Series)(4) Welded and Hammered Steel 6' H.